3203 smøremiddel
3203 smøremiddel
Smøremiddel til blandt annet tastaturbrytere. Loob.no har gjennom sin butikk tilbudt høykvalitets smøremidler og oljer til det norske markedet. Produktene er nøye porsjonert, og alle midlene har tilhørende sikkerhetsskjemaer som inneholder informasjon om hvordan de skal brukes.
Link til sikkerhetsskjemaer hos Loob.no.
Beskrivelse på engelsk (norsk beskrivelse kommer etterhvert):
This is a low-viscosity perfluoropolyether (PFPE) grease, thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). It is a high quality lubricant, comparable to 203g0.
This grease is often used on tactile and clicky switches, as it has relatively low viscosity, with the consistency of pancake batter. It can be used on any keyboard parts, so long as care is taken not to apply too much, especially on tactile switch internals.
This product is NLGI grade 0, which has a very soft consistency. If a firmer grease is required, GPL-203g2 is an equivalent but firmer grease, with the same viscosity as this product.
This product is packaged in re-usable plastic pots, which we find to be easier to work with (and possibly more environmentally friendly) than other containers such as disposable 'toothpaste tubes' and syringes.
TriboSys® is a registered trademark of the Miller-Stephenson Chemical Company, Inc. This product is packaged by loob.no.
Please ensure that this product is suitable for your intended application before purchasing. Please note that lubricants are measured by weight, not by volume.
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